Tuesday, 2 March 2021






Small and medium level businesses were the driving force behind Dinah economy  and yet, their interests and support was not taken into account during the design stage and actual construction. There was total lack of effective and inclusive engagement. There was clear evidence from the disclosure meeting for the RAP Implementation Audit report by Panafcom Ltd. at Minata hotel , on 25/2/2020, that concerns of this group  had never been captured and  addressed by both Panafcom and KeNHA staffs, and yet the project is coming to close.


Before, the construction of the interchange there was easy and convenient access of both vehicles and pedestrians to businesses and homes. The access feeder roads provided  entry and exit routes  in either direction from Webuye town, Eldoret , Kitale or Bungoma.  on both sides, of the road.

There were feeder roads, serving not only businesses but, thousands of residents. Example, Dinah- Malaha road serving almost 2,000 people, Camp David road, road to Radio Mambo, and road to Molo estate. This is further explained by the accompanying drawings.



The design and actual implementation, basing on the SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM SHOWING PEDESTRIAN AND VEHICLE MOVEMENTS AT WEBUYE INTERCHANGE,  disregarded  the existing feeder roads, leading to disruption and  loss of  businesses and inconveniencing  residents to their homes. There is total failure of the project component of improved roads and road safety, as most  residents  within the interchange risk daily accessing their homes  and businesses from both side. Customers/ clients, business owners, suppliers  and residents with vehicles are unable to access their premises and homes easily and safely.



The elevated wall of the interchange has created a barrier on both sides , resulting into pedestrians  taking a longer distance  and time before reaching the pedestrian crossings, while vehicular movements for easy access to businesses and homes have been  curtailed on  both  sides of the road .

The following businesses have been adversely affected , Minata hotel, Website hotel , Camp David hotel, united millers,, Webuye corner petrol station and Jakas petrol station, and have  incurred income losses and business disruption during the actual construction. Closure of access to the  premises  affected businesses as clients moved out.

With the completion of the interchange,  businesses has not picked up, and transport sector businesses such as Easy coach bus, North Rift  and Great Rift  shuttles are also experiencing  difficulties to access their premises in either direction of the road on both sides. For example, how will someone access Easy Coach bus, Dinah- Malaha road, Minata hotel, Great Rift shuttle and several retail shops, while coming from Eldoret, Kitale, Webuye or Kakamega, easily and safely?




On several occasions clients / customers , suppliers, residents, business owners, with vehicles get lost , and as a result drive on the wrong side of the road , contravening traffic rules so as to access and  reach business premises or their homes.

This is a safety issue and the probability of accidents happening is very high.


The interchange has blocked  businesses and  affected easy movements to the populations of  Dinah community. The project has decreased business opportunities,  and thus, disempowered  the community leading to  increased insecurity in the area.

Overall the project has not spurred economic growth of these community. People have lost jobs,  some businesses closed,  businessmen/ women have been unable to service their loans as required, reducing the livelihood of the people.

The project objective of increased efficiency can not be achieved as employment opportunities for hotel workers and suppliers has been affected.



1.Provide two-way direction slip roads on both sides of the interchange as opposed to the current one-way  direction slip roads for vehicles and at the round about with clear marked directions and indications for easy and convenient access.

2. In addition to the two-way direction slip roads on both sides, provide a U-Turn, or a round about at both ends of the interchange.


Additional Financing Transport Sector Support Project - Additional Financing ( P146630 ) WEBUYE- KITALE ROAD.



We would like to make a formal request to go on with the inspection. As the response from the grievances mechanism is not being clear with the concerns raised.

Our complain is being guided by The  World Bank’s  Environmental and Social Framework (ESF),  including  the Environmental and Social Standard (ESS) 10 on Stakeholder Engagement and Information Disclosure . Information  disclosure in a timely manner, in an accessible place, and in a form and language understandable to those affected by the project  and other interested parties,  motivates our action.

We believe that there  has been no stakeholders meaningful consultation in a manner proportionate to the risks to and impacts on affected communities during the construction phase.



The concerns are specifically engagement during the construction phase , when a lot of harm was experienced.

Right from the documents send earlier, there was no information to make meaningful, informed choices about livelihood restoration, compensation and other resettlement entitlements.

The  project’s Environmental Assessment had never  been disclosed .




Ø  Disturbance to vendors- people mostly women have had their opportunities lost, affecting their lifelihoods.

Ø  Increased dust quantities and air pollution  to vendors, small businesses and residents.- This was  an issues of concern

Ø  Increased  dust quantities to road side foods, vegetables, fruits, meat and shop items. The effect and impact was  both to sellers and buyers.

Ø  Increase of noise pollution to  the public.

Ø  Control of effluent -

Ø  Disruption of utility services

Ø  Increase in organic and inorganic solid waste.

Ø  Increased Green House Gas Emissions due to increased fossil fuel consumption.

Ø  Easy access to school going children when the project is completed.

Ø  Provision of roadside facilities

Ø  Public awareness for the chemicals used and information on hazardous chemicals used.

Ø  Compensation to loss of businesses.









v  States should ensure a safe, clean, healthy and sustainable  environment in order to respect, protect and fulfil human rights.

v  Human rights and environmental protection are  interdependent. A safe, clean, healthy and sustainable environment is necessary for the full enjoyment of  human rights, including the rights to life, to the highest  attainable standard of physical and mental health, to  an adequate standard of living,

v  The human right of all persons to seek, receive and  impart information includes information on environmental matters.

v  Public access to environmental  information enables individuals to understand how  environmental harm may undermine their rights,  including the rights to life and health, and supports  their exercise of other rights, including the rights to  expression, association, participation and remedy.





Luke Kapchanga,     Director.  Emonyo Yefwe International        +254733998526


AGREY INZAI                      MEMBER

J. A . SAGALA                    Chairman Stakeholders Committee     + 254713053001