Friday, 9 August 2013


BY  LUKE KAPCHANGA         21/8/2010    
Ms Zainab Hamid, mother of Mohammed  Hamid Suleiman who was arrested in connection with the Kampala bombing was photographed screaming and in tears, when she learned that her son could not be produced in the High court.
Suleiman s wife, Ms Zuhura said in her court papers ”it has been more than 24 hours since he was arrested and nobody knows where he is being held”.
Mr. Suleiman was arrested at his South C house in Nairobi  at 10.30pm on 13/8/2010 , and family members had not seen him by Tuesday the following week.
On August 19, the Uganda government confirmed having in their custody a Kenyan terror suspect, Mr. Suleiman since 14/8/2010.
To prevent persons from being unaccounted for, accurate information about the arrest and place of detention, including transfers need to be available without delay to relatives and legal counsels, this according to international humanitarian law.
The right of relatives to information regarding the suspect is an obligation by the State as is recognized under provisions of International Humanitarian Law, human rights law instruments and other international texts
“Living in the dark about the fate of friends and relatives is the harsh reality facing hundreds of thousands of families affected by armed conflict or internal violence. Throughout the World, parents, brothers and sisters, spouses and children desperately seek loved ones with whom they have lost contact”, Jakob Kellenberger , President of the International Crescent of the Red Cross and Anders B. Johnsson, Secretary General of the Inter- Parliamentary Union, writes in the forward in a book, Missing Persons: Handbook for Parliamentarians.
“Their anguish remains acute after the conflict has ended and peace restored. Such unhealed wounds can destroy the fabric of society and undermine the relationships between groups and Nations for decades after the events that caused them”, the forward states further.
Iam not advocating for  the  innocence of, Suleiman and the three others, Hussein Hassan Agade, Idris Magondu and Mohammed Aden Addow the Kenyans who are facing counts of murder, attempted murder and terrorism, in their role played in the twin bomb blasts which killed 76 people in Kampala.
The International humanitarian law- do prohibit terrorism related acts and activities, according to the ABC, of Human rights handbook.
As it notes  that terrorist acts attack  fundamental human rights, urging States not only to have the right but indeed the duty to protect the population from such acts.
The handbook gives the guideline, that Anti-terrorism strategies must comply with provisions of International Humanitarian Law, the International Refuge Convention and Human rights Conventions.
Except when the State is confronted with an exceptional life threatening situation such as direct terrorist threat, then it may suspend certain rights.
And in such situation again, the state authority is reminded to oblige to follow the prescribed procedures , to ensure    that any measures taken respect the principles of proportionality and are of brief duration.
The Kenyan authorities action of giving a helping hand in the fight against terrorism in the region is commendable, but should the government violate International Humanitarian Law to promote peace and law, at the same time?
The basic rights demands that, persons deprived of their liberty, whether interned or detained, shall have the right   to inform any person with legitimate interest, such as close family members or legal counsel.
The suspect at minimum , should inform about the arrest, the location they are being detained, and their state of health.
They are also  authorized to communicate with and be visited by family members, counsel or any other person of their choice, subject only to condition established by law.
Further more, for the suspect to be moved from his location of detention, the spouse, a close relative or any other person with legitimate interest is notified.
Under Humanitarian law and Human rights law, relatives of the suspect have the right to know, the truth regarding the circumstances of the arrest, detention or internment, the progress and results of investigations and fate of victim.
Human rights laws are of perception, that domestic laws and regulations should ensure that persons deprived of their liberty, whatever the reason of their internment or detention, have a right to inform their families, of their arrest, address and state of health and adequate means of communication to be provided.
Am not aware if Kenya is signatory to The International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance2006.
The Convention is the first universal treaty to define  and prohibit enforced disappearance, which is being”, the abduction or detention of a person by agents of the State followed by concealment of the fate or whereabouts of the disappeared person, outside the protection of the law”.
The Convention has prevention safeguards against disappearance, allowing suspects to communicate with family members.
Kenya is not at war nor experiencing internal conflict,  to have state agents, abducting suspects, keeping families in darkness about the victims, and extraditing them without using the right procedures.
The Geneva Conventions of August  12 1949, article 48 on prisoners of war says, “ in the event of transfer,  prisoners of war  shall be officially advised of their departure and of their new postal address. Such notifications shall be given in time for them to pack their luggage and inform their next of kin”
This is the Convention which came about to address human value in the face of adversity following the mass slaughter of World war two, yet it was able to recognize the right of prisoners of war .
In Kenya as we ready ourselves in welcoming the second republic, the accountability of state agents to the wananchi remains a far cry, and respect for human rights frowned upon.
Having Kenyans extradited to Uganda, is plausible, but only if the rule of law is uphold, and international instruments on human rights are respected.


Nzoia Out grower Company (NOCO), in in management crisis, following the suspension of the acting general manger.
Mr. Stanley Wanyonyi, was shown the door by the chairman Joash Wamangoli with disappearing of a trailer.
In signed letter dated 24 June 2013, Wanyonyi was suspended on grounds that he leased a trailer to Sammadel Enterprises without authority from the board of directors .
Wanyonyi replaced Humphrey Mukania early this year, who was also haunted out of office by the chairman.
The letter goes further and stated that, Wanyonyi sold the trailer and received shs.200.000 without notifying the directors.
It says in part, “ you are suspended from duty immediately following the lease of the trailer and subsequent sale of the same by yourself”.
Noco has had 7 managers in a space of 6 years, the high turnover is blamed on the the high handedness and interference of the chairman .
Mr. Wamangoli who convened a board meeting 4 days after suspending the manager to discuss his fate, warned of taking legal action against him.
WE have got enough evidence that acting GM sold the trailer illegally , which amounts to stealing of company property”, he said.
A director at Sammadel Ent. Allegedly wrote to NOCO , board of directors demanding for receipts of payments and logbook, that they learnt of the sale.
The director who gave his name only as Samson, alleges in the letter dated 23June 2013 that they purchased the trailer at shs.200,000 paid to Wanyonyi through Mpesa.
He claims that they were still waiting for the reciepts and registration certificates after completing payments.
The letter with no official stamp nor on a letterhead of the firm, was the basis by the chairman used as enough evidence to fire the manager.
On his part, Wanyonyi maintained his innocence by claiming that his removal from the office is due to the stand taken to have Wamangoli removed as a signatory to the company accounts.
The Kenya sugar board was said to be behind the removal of Wamangoli signature from the company bank accounts before releasing shs. 35Million loan to buy bell loader, winch and pick up truck.
He claims that, the chairman was interference in management issues to the extend that, shs.80 million loan is now a subject of investigation by the Anti- corruption ans Ethics commission.
Wamangoli is accused of firing and replacing the general managers at will, as they remain on office while serving his personal interest .
Wanyonyi maintains that the directors were in office illegally as the 2011 elections were fraudulent.
“These directors are in officer illegally, as they have even gone further to create a new electoral zone against the memorandum of Understanding of the company”. He added.
He called for the investigation of the directors for withdrawing allowances allegedly for mobilization without prove on the ground.
He accused them of taking the money without accounting for it, as they have rare interaction with farmers whom they are supposed to serve.
He challenged the directors to sue him over the sale of the trailer insisting that such huge sums of money can not be paid through Mpesa.
“Where is the documentation showing the transaction and contract of payment ? He asked.
Sources at the company claimed that assets keep on disappearing and those involved get protected from the directors.
The cartel behind the vandalism of the tractors has rendered the company to remain with only 5 functioning tractors out of 15 bought in 2009.
Mukania who has served as general manager at the company the longest, said it was not possible to meet farmers expectations with the current crop of directors.
He added that tractors have disappeared under funny circumstances , yet the board does not want investigations to find the people behind.
Rampant theft at the company, forced Wanyonyi to hire a private security firm, to replace company security who collude in stealing.
“I have proof that the security officer participates in stealing of company assets, but directors protects him for any disciplinary action”, Wanyonyi complained.


Mother tongue is an essential foundation for learning, but will it ever be practical in Kenya?
This was a question participants at Elimu Yetu Coalition one day workshop in Bungoma left without finding an answer.
Most of the participants drawn from ministry of education, civil society and parents were of the view that mother tongue instruction is important for children to use when they begin school.
They pointed out that for purposes of self esteem and identity, children in lower primary learn their mother tongue languages.
“ Mother tongue is an essential foundation for learning as much as acquiring proficiency in Kiswahjili and English has advantages” , a participant noted.
School is an alien place for young children who begin class work in a language different from their own, they complained.
The language of instruction at school makes young children, believe that the language they have known from birth is inferior compared to the language at school.
Experts for long time have recognized the importance of children using their mother tongue when they begin school.
A study done by UNICEF, done in late 1990s in Zambia showed that students who began schooling using English instead of their mother tongue did not acquire enough proficiency to learn well by grades three or six.
However shortage of teaching material and training programmes, were noted as the biggest challenges.
Teachers were blamed for not understanding their indigenous languages and being the enmies when it comes to the promotion of mother tongue instructions.
“Mother tongue instruction in schools is frustrated by teachers, whothemselves can not read or write in their own languages”, a participant cliamed.
But parents were not spared either, as it was said that most have developed a negative attitude towards their languages, making children to despise them.
Joseph Wasikhongo, the programme manager with Elimu Yetu, commented the partcipants for coming up with the proposal, which should be pushed and taken up by policy makers at county and national governments.
“If what you people are saying makes sense then, time has come to ensure that a policy is developed and enforced in implementation.” said Wasikhongo.
On teacher recruitment, the participants be addressed through rationalization.

This should be adopted as urban centres are overstaffed, yet the shortage is felt more in rural schools.
They all agreed that having more teachers can be essential when it comes to addressing quality education.
The participants were told to be proactive in engaging education to have their inputs in county education reports, thus put pressure on TSC to employ teachers depending on demand.
Elimu Yetu Coalition is a national platform for civil society organization, professionals groupings, education and research institutions, which lobbies for implementation education for all.
It is objectives to influence policy shift towards a sustainable basic education and training system that is appropriate to the aspirations of Kenyans.
It also aims to build a strong movement with very clear direction and targets around basic education and training.

Friday, 26 July 2013


Most of the women in farmers field schools in Kenya are now food secure.
They say, by being members of Farmers field schools, yields from their small farms has increased significantly. The case in point is that of Margret Wanyonyi 62, of Ngwelo village in Bungoma county.
Ms. Wanyonyi a widow, proudly proclaims that, “ I can not buy food anymore, however scarce it may be.”.
She went on, “ for the past two years since I joined the field school , crop yields on my farm has almost tripled”.
Farm productivity has increased , due to trainings she had underwent through farm demonstrations by the fields schools.
She stressed the importance of training on farm management , which has made it possible for her to take keen interest in the crops and animal farming.

'”Last year my harvest from a ¼ acre was double I normally get from an acre in my usual farming practice, I released I had wasted my land for a very long time.” she stated.
In FFS, farmers carry out experiential learning activities that help them understand the ecology of their fields.
These activities involve simple experiments, regular field observations and group analysis.
The knowledge gained from these activities enables participants to make their own locally specific decisions about crop management practices.
Facilitation is by extension workers or skilled farmers, who employ non-formal education methods, the field is used as the primary resource for discovery-based learning.
The FFS Trainers play a crucial role in ensuring that the environment and all resources contribute to the farmers’ learning experiences.
Ngwelo farmers field school is within the Nzoia sugar cane growing zone. Here , due to over concentration and reliance on sugar cane, people are food insecure , with small plots of land.
More than five million people directly or indirectly depend on sugarcane farming in Kenya. 
Most farming is in western Kenya, eighty eight per cent of area under sugarcane , is under out growers the majorities being small-scale growers.
Food scarcity is instigated by soil degradation due to high acidity caused by over-use of fertilizers .
The field school increases collaboration by different actors , who work towards benefiting farmers , be it government ministries, international agencies and Non- Governmental Organizations.
According to Japheth Wekesa the trainer at the field school, the collaboration has resulted to mostly women to get provided with seeds and fertilizers, while on their part provide land and labor.
The initiative makes it possible for farmers to prepare early for the planting season, knowing in advance that they have farm inputs in place.
“The challenge of turning the majority of the population to practice soil conservation agriculture is enormous”, he said.
A research paper , published in Future Agricultures in 2010, titled Performance of the ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in Nyeri South district of Kenya, constraints were noted mostly in the provision of extension services.
Extension services were noted as vital with farm visits providing practical help on issues such as soil erosion, manure making , fertilizer and chemical use.
Agriculture it has to be noted contributes one – quarter to one – third of Africa s Gross Domestic Product (GDP), but employs 65 – 75 % of the labor force.
The gap in labor productivity between the non – farming and farming sector on the order of two to one ordinarily draws people out of agriculture and into other sectors.
The world bank projects the increase of value for food on domestic markets in Africa from US Dollars 313billion in 2010 to US Dollars I trillion in 2030.
In Nyeri south district , youth were said to have a negative attitude towards agriculture.
The complain was widespread, by farmers in the findings , about the young people mostly women who get educated , for being interested in white collar jobs only.
The example was given of Kazi Kwa Vijana ( jobs for youth ) programme by the government during 2009, as part of the Economic Stimulus Package, failing to get the youth to engage in agricultural activities.
The youth at most watch their parents toiling on the farms and dying poor, at the same time parents being unwilling to give farms to children for fear that they will sell them.
Access to to capital and credit for small holder farmers is a perennial problem which is magnified by the young people .
The report Employment in Agriculture says, farming risks and costs remain high despite innovations to overcome the barriers and achieve sustainable out reach to small holders.
As estimates put nearly 1 billion people world wide , who are affected by severe hunger and poverty , many relying on small plots for their food and income.
Most of the poor families barely get by as they struggle with unproductive soils, plant diseases , pests and drought.
Their livestock are weak or sick, no reliable markets for their produce and good information about pricing, with government policies rarely serving them.
Helping the farming families to produce more food and increase their income, they also have to bulk their produce to access urban markets or for processing industry.
“Collective action by farmers is very much needed, especially when farms are too small to be attractive for trading partners ”, wrote Giel Tom in Farmers and Markets in June 2012.
He stated that , bulking has a strong logistical component and requires working capital and a cost effective organization that controls transactions.
Tom, who is a senior researcher at Agricultural Research Institute in the Netherlands , notes that successful collective marketing built organizational assets that make life easier for farmers.
By increasing productivity in a sustainable way, and sell more crops is most effective to reduce hunger and poverty in the long term.
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation on agriculture, says that farmers growing more food and earn more income, they are better able to feed their families , send children to school, provide for their families health and invest in the farm.
Their Agricultural Development Initiative states, “ Helping farmers improve their yields, requires a comprehensive approach that includes the use of seeds that are more resistant to diseases , drought and flooding”.
It adds, “ Information from trusted local sources about more productive farming technologies, greater access to markets and government policies that serve the interests of farming families, have to be in place”.

Saturday, 6 July 2013


The Bungoma county leaders meeting at Mabanga on 5/7/2013 on security situation, poved one thing in common that the government is doing its business basing on 1970 tactics.
County commissioner Maalim Mohammed who was the key speaker had very poorly hand written notes from which he took the participants through.
The monologue meeting saw the Commissioner saying about 14 suspected criminals linked to the recent Bungoma killings, having been arrested and appeared in court.
He claimed that the gangsters were operating as a racket , and appealed to members of the public not to turn to mob justice.
He added something to the effect that police found colluding with criminals to be punished and also police to respond promptly when alarm is raised.
As a human rights defender , the Killings in Bungoma in April was a violation of both the International Human rights law and International Humanitarian Law.
Hence the State is held accountable to the well being of the affected families and victims nursing injuries.
So the intent and purpose of such a meeting should have first and foremost, included the victims of the widespread systematic attack.
This people should have highlighted the effectiveness of policing in the county since they came under attack, and any assistance availed them by the government.
Unfortunately, the organizer preferred to bring agendas when the meeting was in progress , the agenda had no time frame for each item to last.
This was worse than, a village CBO, organizing a meeting for teenage mothers or a village elders baraza.

Kindly, the commissioner should be told that the meeting need to have been about investigations, leading to reconstruction and interpreting the criminal behavior and patterns found at crime scene.
The material evidence recovered from crime scene, how it was going to help leaders in mapping out a strategy in combating it.
The chain of custody, detaining what was recovered, how suspected criminals were arested and evidence against them as they appear in court.
The state remains held responsible for the killings committed by non-state actors, if it fails to act with due diligence to prevent , deter and punish perpetrators of the crimes, under the International Human Rights Law and International Humanitarian Law.
Otherwise there is nothing frustrating as sitting through a meeting where people talk the whole time yet nothing is done.
Let the County Commisioner next time, tell the people of Bungoma since April how many people have been killed in a similar manner, those in hospital and those killed through mob justice.
A meeting which allows no room to listen, understand ans share ideas has difficult to make people be positive about its impact.
And the agenda without measurable action plans is not worthy taking place at this time of age.
So I hope those present may have enjoyed, being present and getting paid for sitting through, without informed participation.

Monday, 27 May 2013



The blood of more than twenty people killed in Bungoma and Busia is on the hands of those in government.
The widespread and systematic killings , which took almost three weeks to be contained speak of one thing- government failure in preventing and detecting crime.
President Uhuru Kenyatta on Thursday May 16, while meeting top security chiefs pledged to support the police to enforce law and order.
The president was quoted, “ We will ensure police officers are sufficiently facilitated to enable them perform their duties effectively and in a dignified manner”.
While a week earlier, inspector general of Police David Kimaiyo promised a bounty of Kshs. 100,000 for information leading to the arrest of members of the gang terrorizing villagers.
Imagine shs. 100,000 for 17 deaths by attacks, 8 lynched by the mob and more than 100 nursing injuries in hospitals.
When one divides the amount of money promised to get information with the number of the victims, then you realize the value the government put on these Kenyans.
On his part the president never mentioned anything with the dead or the injured, as affected families lost more than one of the bread winner.
Article 3 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights( UDHR), says everyone has the right to life, liberty and the security of persons.
Mr. President, the families of the victims want an answer from you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
From a human rights angle, the basic function of the government is to maintain peace and security within its boarders.
Article 245 of the constitution establishes the National police force whose overall command is exercised by the inspector general.
Police are one of the means by which government fulfills this function as law enforcement is significant organ of government.
Another basic function of government is to ensure that it meets its obligation under International Law to promote and protect the human rights of the people within its jurisdiction.
In policing, the promotion and protection of human rights requires close attention to be paid to detail aspects of command, management and administration of the police.
Police are accountable to government and the public they serve and policing activities are subject to judicial and legal supervision.
Fundamental principles in policing are respect for, and obedience to the law, respect for inherent dignity of human person, which is respect for human rights.
Essential principles are that law enforcement officials shall at all times fulfill the duty imposed on them by law, by serving the community and protecting against illegal acts, consistent with high degree of responsibility.
The United Nations , General Assembly resolution 34/164 of 17 December 1979 on the code of conduct for law enforcement officials adopted , “ Every law enforcement agency should be representative of and responsive and accountable to the community as a whole”.
The code of conduct demands that police are to be commended and managed in accordance with the principle of responsibility.
Hence they are to be held personally responsible under law for their own acts or omissions, as their function is to prevent and detect crimes.
Police leadership is not a desk job, a commander is to be in close contact with the realties of operational policing, the feelings and concerns of the community they serve and those they command.

There is also an established and enforced strict guidelines for record keeping and reporting on the activities of the community they serve.
With the Bungoma killings, the gangs entered homes singing claiming to have apprehended thieves, only to turn against people with sharp objects.
The attackers were said operated in groups of 10 to 15, armed with axes, machetes, spears and other crude weapons.
Take the case of Bungoma Business man Timothy Nyongesa who was killed early evening , in a 30 minute raid at his home which is almost a kilo metre away from the regional police headquarters.
The government has to give answers to the close family relatives of those killed by the gangsters or maimed and nursing injuries.
Because the government in under obligation, in International Human rights Law not only to refrain from violating individuals right to life but they also have a positive obligation to protect the enjoyment of that right.
As non- state actors engage in a pattern of killings and the state responds inadequately , the responsibility of the state is engaged.
The deputy president William Ruto was in Bungoma and then later in Mandera, pronouncements made by him points to one direction- inadequate response by the police in contain the violence.
Frenchman Jean Bodin once said that in a democracy, there is always chronic disorder with less real liberty.
Are Kenyans to be made to believe that without directives from the deputy president, police reinforcement can not be done , more vehicles can not be dispatched to crime prone areas and reporting mechanism can not be perfect .
The killings in Bungoma carry the hole marks for crimes against humanity.
Article 7 (1)(a) of the Rome Statute on crimes against humanity of murder, the elements of the crime are that the perpetrator killed one or more persons, the attack was widespread or systematic against a civilian population.
In Bungoma and Busia we have got 17 innocent lives lost senselessly, in a widespread and systematic pattern against a civilian population.
We have seen politicians engage in blame game, name calling, and making demands for transfer of the police who have overstayed .
The political statements and police calling on the public to provide information , is not part of giving the answers needed by relatives of the victims to know the cause of the death or suffering of those in hospital.
Material evidence by police investigators should help to reconstruct and correctly interpret the evnts of the crimes.
By thoroughly documenting and recurrences, investigators have the ability to establish the evidence which reflects a pattern of intentional behavior.
So far, the type of observations gathered can help in reconstructing the events of the crimes to link suspects to the criminal acts.

Saturday, 6 April 2013

The effectiveness of county government


Residents of Bungoma county should start asking themselves if the county government will be effective?
History shows that government initiated projects in the county collapse basically on poor management in collusion with political machinations.
As the country gears itself for the implementation of the constitution, by introducing a devolved system of government, what is being peddled around is about who to hold which position only.
The basis for declaring interest for this positions is attached on account of having served in government through appointment in one way or the other.
And Bungoma is no exception , with county political elites lining  up those they can work with through  alliances with very narrow interests strategizing  on getting hold of power in the new political dispensation.
If the concern for effective governance is not addressed now, then the county may be among those to be the first to experience National government intervention.
The constitution in article 190(4b), authorizes the national government , if necessary , to assume the responsibility for relevant functions.
Why should this be?
Brief history of Bungoma can shade some light – the trend of development right from independence .
Its widely acknowledged  that the first African to hold the current equivalent of Bungoma county council chairman, Pascal Nabwana  put in place  structures  for development which remain unrivalled .
Being a selfless leader he hold the post from 1959 – 1963, was the brain behind the Bukusu welfare association which  was the vehicle through which the late veteran politician Masinde Muliro got his education..
He marshaled the community to get its own district from North Kavirondo, Bungoma had a vibrant cooperative movement , putting it on the Kenyan map for economic and educational sector.
With independence and Nabwan out of the way, the political leadership started dismantling everything he stood for, and poverty became a permanent feature .
It was Masined Muliro, who destroyed the Welfare association, which apart from playing a pivotal role for his education , and a vehicle for development and in its place espoused the Luyia unity.
With that very action, community members were almost criminalized  while coming up with development initiatives aimed at poverty alleviation..
On their part, the political elites developed a systemic agenda of mass scale poverty creation, by ensuring that institutions of employment and job creation collapse.
When, the Late Elijah Wasike Mwangale, trod the political scene like a colossus, the economic fortunes of the region sunk deeper.
The advent of multi- party had a foothold in Bungoma for a very simple reason, the residents were told and believed that, their suffering was because of poor leadership, then with the stewardship of Mwangale.
With Bungoma enjoying fanaticall support of the then opposition against KANU, new breed of leaders amongst them Musikari Kombo and Mukhisa Kituyi , got the chance as representatives.
With time, the two had the privilege of getting cabinet appointments, and true to the politics of Bungoma they too became strangers to the people they were supposed to represent , and any effort to change  economic dynamics remained elusive.

Poverty in Bungoma gained momentum during the days of Ford-Kenya enjoying political supremacy   and the district had the distinction as a Millennium district.
Which meant that the proportion of poverty was very high, and it required to be used as a trail centre ,every time the Millennium Development Goals are carried out.
Finding it self  in the Millennium category has not embarrassed the leadership, when all civil society movements across the country find the excuse  to hold a workshop of sorts there.
This brings me to getting worried why the National government will have reason to intervene in the Bungoma county government in relation to its functions and powers.
When you analyze the functions and powers of the county government in agriculture, control of pollution, trade development and regulations, and ensuring and coordinating participation in governance , you get scared, with the people jostling for the positions.
On agriculture , the sector accounts for almost 90% of the poverty being felt in Bungoma, yet it has all the potential to be the engine of growth.
The cooperative movement, Malakisi ginnery,, Kitinda dairy,Nzoia sugar company, have all had the strong involvement  of political leaders while management was almost entirely in the hands of daughters and sons of the county.
The same institutions have created a perfect environment for the spiraling suffering of the residents making them “begging farmers” .
This is so, because the elected leaders , develop a tendency of political tourist , and have no economic attachment to understand the suffering of  the people , what they go through, and the possible solution.
Take the case of Nzoia with a debt portfolio of shs.26 billion, against asset value of shs.8billion, is insolvent, yet management top brass is composed of sons of the county.
Nzoia is the only sugar factory under paying farmers for delivered crop at shs.3,300 per ton, while other millers are paying above shs.3,800, and the political class has not raised any finger.
Overall, corruption at the mill is at all times high, and there is no department , where outright theft is absent, creating more suffering for the farmers.
On pollution, before the closure of Pan African Paper mills, residents – without any support of political leadership sought the intervention of International Finance Cooperation- who were one of the big lenders to come to  their rescue on pollution related concerns.
For years, the political class were in the good books of the company executives, when residents of mainly Webuye, bore the impact of pollution related effects, without recourse.
With trade, it remains a laughable affair, as no local owns a business employing more than 5 people who are from outside the county .
All meaningful businesses are run successfully by what locals call outsiders, and the elites from the community find it very difficult to spot an investment opportunity.

The only  majority businesses  run by local  are investment in the hotel industry- yet the popular menu is alcohol .
The category of the hotels caters mostly for local tastes, as it can not compare with the set standards, when you take remarks by cooperative minister Joseph Nyagah, who said that Bungoma has no hotel he could sleep in.
The very same elites, do not know other promising opportunities, and hence do not know who is investing where, the returns and likely impact  on the economy- this spells a disaster if they are given the mandate of running the show of development.
The best case study for this purpose is the CDF, the infrastructure in general are billed not to last at most not more than ten years, yet they are the yard stick of development for most of the serving politicians in their respective constituencies.
The political elites in Bungoma are scared of the people to be involved in governance and are happy to have the monopoly of ideas to gives directives without contradictions.
And this same people can not be entrusted with  ensuring and coordinating the participation of communities for participation in governance at the local level.
The take the case were everyone who is everybody somewhere, declaring the need to contest which seat, is a clear indicator that poverty alleviation is not part of the agenda.
The forums, which these very leaders use to declare their interests, the discussions are about the revival of collapsed industries- manifesting closed thinking and lack of innovations in their style of leadership.
The leadership therefore, is about wanting to share posts, and quietly retread to the safety of  Nairobi, and occasionally make technical appearance in functions and funerals to fulfill their egos.